Silent Hill en DVD ¿Versión completa?

Para pasar MIEDO con juegos como Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark o Dead Space

Notapor Frijolito » 06-08-2006 15:38

pa variar.

¬¬ en fin.. :annoyed:

No se,las peliculas para alquilar son hipermehabasicas,de echo no se pueden vender al publico normal,Son solo para videoclubs.Es cierto que rambo es antigua del copon,es la que tenia a mano y escribi lo que ponia.

No he alquilado aqui la del señor de los anillos,pero no se si llevaba tantos dvds,comprando el pack si,alquilandola?aqui creo que no,pero no te lo aseguro :knockout:
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Notapor Laoz » 07-08-2006 04:48


Tal como ya han mencionado, en estos casos muchas veces sacan una version normal, que es la peli que viste en el cine y con escenas extras como bonus del DVD.
Tambien pueden sacar la misma peli con el subtitulo de "Director's Cut" o "Extended" que es la pelicula con las escenas extras aderidas a la trama completa... osea... como se debio haber visto.

Respecto a que dura originalmente 3 hrs, hay que aclarar que esto es FALSO. La pelicula fue ideada para 3 hrs, por el guion presentado al principio, pero desde el guion fue recortado y modificado, asi que aun con las escenas no dura tanto, puesto que ese guion de 3 hrs nunca se filmo tal cual.

Y respecto a los xtras que traiga el DVD, yo espero que venga el video con el cual Gangs convencio a los de Konami para que le sedieran los derechos para hacer la peli! :D

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Notapor Storm 3000 » 07-08-2006 07:04

Buenísimo dato, Laoz. Realmente la página de IMDb confundió a muchísima gente y en innumerables páginas aparece el dato de que la película debía durar 3 horas. Ya me parecía contradictorio que Gans dijera que estaba completa y otros dijeran que estaba recortada. Pero aún así, no quita la impresión de varias personas acerca de que está algo acelerada. A mí se me aceleró un poco a partir de la segunda hora. Por ejemplo, si retomamos la escena desde que Christabella acompaña a Rose al hospital hasta que Rose regresa a la iglesia, todo ocurre muy a las apuradas. Rose no está más de 2 minutos recorriendo los pasillos del sótano hasta encontrarse con las enfermeras (escena que también dura 2 minutos) para pasar a una explicación rápida de todo lo que ocurre. En todo ese tramo solamente es donde yo opino que han acelerado las cosas.

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Notapor Kakashi » 17-08-2006 10:42

Creo que en el DVD no vienen escenas eliminadas ni nada creo....
Si vais a hay pusieron la noticia de lo que viene os la pongo aqui directamente , creo que la pelicula esta enteracomo la vimos en el cine... aunque parece q le falten cosas.

August 15, 2006 - It's no secret that videogame adaptations tend to be utter garbage. Even the most devoted Nintendo fanboy will have a tough time swallowing the Super Mario Bros. motion picture, and let's not even delve into the bitter aftertaste (and beforetaste… and duringtaste) of Street Fighter: The Movie.

Alas, there's always a trickle of lambency at the end of a dark tunnel, and Director Christophe Gans attempted to be that gleam in the dark that we've all been waiting for by taking on the project of making the successful survival horror series, Silent Hill, into a motion picture. The end result is something that comes off as a tortuous exasperation for John Q. Public, yet not indulgent enough for the fanatics.

Silent Hill revolves around Rose (Radha Mitchell), a mother desperately trying to figure out her daughter Sharon's (Jodelle Ferland) obsession with the resort town of Silent Hill. When Rose decides she's had enough of the frantic midnights of her daughter's nightmares, she takes Sharon to the town of living horrors.

The story is derived from the original game in the series, switches the genders of the main character and makes other subtle (or abundantly clear, depending on the viewer) changes that fit in from other games in the franchise. Roger Avary penned the screenplay, and tries so hard to appeal to the fan base that he loses both the followers and moviegoers in the process. It's as if he decided to throw as many references to the series into a blender just to see how it would taste. The end result is incredibly bitter, with a touch of artificial flavoring.

One of the interesting and shockingly similar aspects to playing the game itself is the attention to detail. Everything from the atmosphere, the sirens going off to determine the awakening of "dark" Silent Hill, and puzzles that Rose must solve in order to continue are eerily similar to playing the game—the first videogame adaptation to successfully execute such a thing.

However, the movie has many problems, despite deep research on the part of Gans to nail the look and feel of the videogame series. The extensive references only serve to obscure the plotline to the casual moviegoer. Sadly, the adaptation is also likely to disappoint the fans, as the references are half-accurate, and/or interpreted in an equivocal manner.

Those that do not know the inside info will be too busy trying to piece together all of the goings-on to make sense of it all; meanwhile the rollercoaster doesn't stop to allow them to catch up. "Who is the large man with the triangle on his head? Why does the town transform? What's with the cult? How many dimensions to the town are there? Why are there multiple dimensions? What are the demons? Manifestations of the mind? Are they in the mind? Are they in my mind? Wasn't this supposed to be an Adam Sandler comedy?"

The problem with this fast-paced marathon of confusion is that the sole purpose of it all is to scratch the fan's mosquito bite instead of build a solid structure for an enjoyable film apart from said references. Combine this with mediocre performances from all and you have a film that never captures the tension of its gaming counterpart, and thus fails to convey what's so great about the series to the general audience that would have otherwise never even heard of the franchise.

Even so, there's a bit of a love/hate relationship with the look, feel, and knowledge of the film outside of the general public. While over half of the references are ruined by inaccuracies (for example, why can everyone see certain monsters when they are manifestations of one's own individual fears?), the little things make the ride a worthy one for actual fans of Silent Hill.

The essence of the formula is intact: pulsating sculptures of human flesh are around every curve and variable dimensions convoluting reality sway to and fro, but the main reason that the scares jolt the user so much is exactly that: you're interacting with characters under your control rather than watching bumbling casualties on a screen. The adaptation is as haunting in imagery as it is lost in translation.

Score: 6 out of 10

The Video
The film is incredibly dark with rust throughout, and the film's robust imagery shines through the transfer. Blacks are nearly perfect in this 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen presentation. Grain is seldom a problem on a grand scale, although a key example of a strong start and rocky finish can be found in the hotel scene, where flickering appears several times. Even so, it picks back up, and it's rarely noticeable the remainder of the film.

Score: 7 out of 10

The Audio
Akira Yamaoka's soundtrack, taken from the videogame series itself, is both warm and terrifying. Think of the sweet smell of grandma's delicious cookies then imagine a pinch of cyanide awaiting that first bite instead of cinnamon. It's amazing how something as simple as background music can keep the pacing of a film in check and remind you of the source material.

The film's audio is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 with English subtitles, which may be a feasible option during the low, chit-chatty portions of the film. The sound effects make great use of directional sound but are hard on the dialogue, with things like scraping knives against metal, rain, broken glass, and the occasional footsteps creeping up on the listener, albeit only to fry your ears for the upcoming lines between actors. They do their job well, although it's the soundtrack that carries this one.

Score: 7 out of 10

The Extras
The Silent Hill DVD contains the Path of Darkness: Making of "Silent Hill" Six Part Series, including:



Stars and Stunts

Creatures Unleashed

Creature Choreography

The DVD is missing a few usual suspects to the line-up, including the theatrical trailer. Instead of anything too in-depth involving the game series and links in between, we're treated to an overextended Making Of featurette broken into six pieces. The featurettes really showcase the creature designs, which were primarily constructed with actual costumes and make-up.

The "Origins" featurette focuses on the adaptation process; everything from the cosmetic lift and feel of the series venturing onto film to the intentions of those involved, although it feels more like they're defending their vision rather than coming off as naturally enthusiastic about their product. The "Casting" feature delves into the ideas of who the characters should be, and is just as dull as it sounds.

"Set-Design" takes a look at the vast project of turning an entire town into the ghost town of Silent Hill: everything from the locations to the transformation. It's one of the more appealing segments on the disc, considering atmosphere is the key element throughout the series. We're treated to fast tours through all four dimensions within the film, and it's filling enough on its own, although it doesn't make up for the lack of intrigue the prior segments provide. The "Stars and Stunts" provides several compliments to the actors involved due to their attentiveness, but is more fluff than solid, enjoyable material.

The two creature segments on the DVD are the meatiest of the package, and are both enjoyable. Creature design is one of the things that the movie does incredibly well, so it's nice to see two featurettes dedicated to it. The best (or worst) part? Getting the inside scoop on Pyramid Head's painted butt cheeks.

It seems a little half-hearted that the disc completely alienates a true connection between the gaming franchise and the film itself. The movie's plot will scare away a good majority of average horror fans, so why not cater to the fan of the videogame with a plethora of tie-ins, some art design features, and the like? It seems like a no-brainer.
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Notapor Alessa » 17-08-2006 14:37

[color=darkblue]Gans deberia montarse su propia productora como hacen muchos directores, porque la que ha elegido le ha jo***do a base de bien.
De todas maneras lo que me turba de que no hayas escenas eliminadas, es el hecho de que habia una escena que salia en el trailer y en la peli que vi en el cine no salia...No se, no se, donde esta esa escenita? Porque la habran rodado verdad?
Las peliculas deberian ser todas Director's Cut, osea que las dirigiera el director no la productora de los co****es.[/color]
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Notapor Storm 3000 » 17-08-2006 18:46

Ya la vi en DVDRip y la verdad es que está mucho más completa que la versión en calidad cine que vi. Hay unas cuantas escenas que le dan mucha lógica a todo lo que ocurre y que no aparecían en la versión bajada de Internet para calidad cine. La película dura 125 minutos. Gans dijo que esa era la versión completa, por lo que no sería raro no encontrar escenas eliminadas.

PD: Alessa, ¿de qué escena estás hablando? Las escenas del trailer las vi todas dentro de la película.

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Notapor Kakashi » 17-08-2006 18:55

A ver la pelicula q yo vi dura exactamente 1 hora y 55 minutos , del trailer hay una escena q creo que en la peli no s eve o yo estoy ciego ande se ve al principio a Alessa andando por la carretera q sale en el trailer eso yo en la pelicula no lo he vsito q iba andando no cuando el coche sino cuando Rose se la encuentra xD andando no sale en la pelicula xD
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Notapor Storm 3000 » 17-08-2006 18:59

Ah, sí. Pero esas son escenas que tiene como única diferencia cambiar el plano de vista. Esa escena sale pero mostrando a Alessa desde lejos. Igual cuando Rose atropella a Alessa, en la que esta vez se ve más inspirado en el juego que como estaba en el trailer. Son detalles menores.

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Notapor Sri lehn » 19-08-2006 18:35

espero ke algun dia saken el director's cut... a este paso saldra en BD ROM
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Notapor Storm 3000 » 19-08-2006 19:53

Definitivamente esa es la versión completa. No es probable que salga una versión Director's Cut. No existen escenas eliminadas, la película no está censurada y el final es el que quiso el director. Supongo que ésta será la única versión a la venta. Además de que trae varios extras, y no, no hay escenas eliminadas y/o extendidas.

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Storm 3000
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